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The Party members, cadres and staff of the General Administration carefully listened to and watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress

2022-10-17 16:27:26

On October 16, the 20th National Congress of the CPC opened in Beijing. Xi Jin Pin, General Secretary, made a report on behalf of the 19th Central Committee to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The Party Committee of the General Administration earnestly organized the party members, cadres and staff of the whole system to listen to and watch the live broadcast of the conference, and earnestly studied the important reporting spirit of General Secretary Xi Jin Pin. Niu Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the General Administration, and members of the leadership watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony at the headquarters of the General Administration.

In order to do a good job in listening and watching throughout the system, according to the requirements of the SASAC Party Committee, the SASAC Party Committee attached great importance to it, made arrangements in advance, formulated and issued a plan for in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and issued a special notice to arrange the organization of listening and watching. According to the deployment of the Party Committee of the General Administration, from the headquarters of the General Administration to the grass-roots project departments, workshops, teams and construction sites, the majority of Party members, cadres and workers actively listened to and watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony through TV, computers, mobile phones and other different carriers. It was unanimously agreed that the important report made by General Secretary Xi Jin Pin was rich in content, farsighted, profound in thought, inspiring and inspiring. They expressed that they would further study and understand the spirit of the important report, closely combine their own work practices, base themselves on their posts, work hard, overcome difficulties, and forge ahead bravely, making new and greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the General Administration.

After the live broadcast, the Party Committee of the State Administration of Metallurgical Geology immediately made arrangements for the whole system to deeply study, understand, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, especially the important report spirit of General Secretary Xi Jin Pin. Niu Jianhua stressed that the whole metallurgical geological system, especially the majority of Party members, cadres and workers, should take learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task, further earnestly organize and do a good job of listening to and watching the live broadcast and reporting of the conference, understand the spirit of the conference, and draw on the strength to make progress. We should deeply realize that the important report made by General Secretary Xi Jin Pin has far-reaching historical significance for the future construction of the Party and the country, has great practical significance for further promoting the construction of a socialist modern country, and has a strong guiding significance for the majority of Party members, cadres and workers in metallurgical geology to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two assertions", further enhance the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance", It plays an important guiding role for the Party organizations at all levels of the General Administration to strengthen the construction of the Party's leadership and implement strict governance of the Party in an all-round way. It is necessary to use the spirit of report to guide the actual work, combine the actual situation of the reform and development of the party building and innovation work in metallurgical geology, deeply study and understand with problems and requirements, so that learning can be applied and used to promote learning, constantly improve the ideological understanding to a new height, and promote learning to achieve new results. We should learn from the spirit of learning, understanding and implementing the report to draw new strength for the new era, practically integrate the thoughts and actions of the majority of party members, cadres and workers in metallurgical geology into the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and promote the reform, development and innovation of party building in metallurgical geology to a new level.

More than 8000 people in the Administration system watched the opening ceremony.


The headquarters of the General Administration watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Pingquan Project Department of the First Bureau Underground Space Company watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


The Central Laboratory of the Second Geological Exploration Institute watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Yangcheng Yamei Daning Project Department of the Third Bureau Yantu Land Environment Branch watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


The Pile Foundation Project Department of Qingdao Metro Line 6 Affiliated Project of Qingdao Geological Survey Institute of Shandong Bureau watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Taiping Mountain Project Department of the construction machinery company affiliated to Zhongnan Company (Zhongnan Bureau) watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Baishiling Project Department of Northwest Geological Prospecting Institute Gansu Branch of Northwest Bureau watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


The Academy watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


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Tianjin Metro Line 8 Project Department of China Development Geotechnical Branch watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Shandong Black Whirlwind Party Branch watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Qingdao Xiaocheng Company affiliated to Jingri Company watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


Zhengyuan International Altay Concentrator watched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress


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