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Learning Times published an article signed by Weng Jieming: state-owned enterprises are the important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics

2021-12-20 15:40:33

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Looking back on history, state-owned enterprises have made indelible and outstanding contributions to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics

The productive forces determine the relations of production, and the economic base determines the superstructure. State owned enterprises have grown from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong. Under the strong leadership of the Party, they give full play to their political advantages in party building, providing an important material and political basis for the establishment, consolidation and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China's socialist system was established with the completion of socialist transformation and the formation of an advantageous position in the public ownership economy as an important symbol. After the founding of New China, we completed the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce and built a large number of state-owned enterprises by confiscating bureaucratic capital, inheriting the public economy in the liberated areas, making the public economy represented by state-owned enterprises occupy an advantageous position in the national economy. With the completion of socialist transformation, the basic socialist economic system has been established, and China has entered the period of socialist construction.

With state-owned enterprises as the main body and the establishment of an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system as the important symbol, China's socialist system has been consolidated and developed. For a period of time, we gave priority to the development of heavy industry, promoted 156 key projects during the "First Five Year Plan" period, built a large number of backbone enterprises such as Ansteel, First Heavy Industry, FAW, YTO, and Shenyang Aircraft, and gradually established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. In particular, we have adhered to self-reliance and hard work, successfully developed a series of "big country heavy weapons" such as "two bombs, one satellite and one boat", which has made important contributions to the real establishment of China's influential status as a big country and safeguarding the security of China's socialist regime.

The socialist system with Chinese characteristics has been further improved and developed with the reform of state-owned enterprises as the central link of the economic system reform and the establishment of the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism as an important symbol. In the process of establishing and improving the socialist market economic system, we have always adhered to the "two unswervingly" principle, and gradually established the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism, with public ownership as the main body and multiple ownership economies developing together. Through deepening reform, state-owned enterprises have gradually become independent market players, and have generally achieved integration with the market economy, effectively driving and promoting the common development of the non-public economy.

The superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics has been strongly demonstrated with the important signs of strengthening and optimizing state-owned enterprises in the new era and forming a number of world j enterprises.   The economic strength has constantly reached a new level, creating and accumulating huge wealth for the whole society. By the end of 2020, the total assets of enterprises under the supervision of the national state-owned assets system will reach 218.3 trillion yuan. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the total profit of central enterprises increased by 8.8% annually, and the total assets at the end of the period reached 68.8 trillion yuan. 49 central enterprises have entered the world's top 500, and a number of backbone enterprises with core competitiveness have emerged. The implementation of the national strategy was resolute and decisive, giving full play to the role of the main force. Actively serve major strategies such as the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. Jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality, and strive to promote scientific and technological self-reliance. A batch of major achievements with the world's advanced level, represented by manned spaceflight, the lunar exploration project, Beidou navigation, 5G applications, and domestic aircraft carriers, have been achieved. The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Baihetan Hydropower Station, "Deepwater No.1" oil and gas field, Zhangbei flexible power grid project and other landmark major projects. Serving the society and ensuring the people's livelihood is strong and powerful, giving full play to its role as a pillar. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, central enterprises paid nearly 10 trillion yuan in taxes, 413.5 billion yuan in state-owned capital income, and 1.2 trillion yuan in state-owned capital transferred to the social security fund; Communication enterprises have reduced the cost of electricity by about 700 billion yuan, and power enterprises have reduced the cost of electricity for the whole society by about 400 billion yuan. We will do our best to tackle the poverty alleviation task of "100 counties, 100 billion, and 10000 points". 248 key counties of the national poverty alleviation work that are targeted to be supported by state-owned central enterprises have been lifted out of poverty, and nearly 100 billion yuan of assistance funds have been invested and introduced, and 12000 various poverty alleviation points have been listed.

Looking back on the history of SOEs' hard work and unremitting struggle, it can be said that SOEs have made indelible historical contributions to China's economic and social development, scientific and technological progress, national defense construction and improvement of people's livelihood, and are worthy of being an important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Looking forward to the future, adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics put forward higher requirements for the state-owned economy to give full play to its strategic supporting role

  To uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, we must adhere to historical materialism, deeply understand the new characteristics and requirements brought about by the changes in the major social contradictions in China, base ourselves on the basic national conditions in the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the liberation and development of productive forces, become stronger and better, become a large country with enterprises, and give full play to the strategic support role of the state-owned economy.

State owned enterprises must dare to shoulder heavy burdens in the overall planning of "two overall situations". To coordinate the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, we should be good at cultivating opportunities in crises, opening up new situations in changes, and bravely overcome all risks and challenges. State owned enterprises should play the role of "national team" in supporting the high-quality development of China's economy. Based on the new stage of development, they should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, constantly consolidate the foundation for the development of state-owned enterprises, maintain a good momentum of development, and better promote the quality, efficiency and motivation of China's economic development. State owned enterprises should play a "vanguard" role in China's high-level opening up, deeply promote the demonstration action of creating world-class enterprises and benchmarking world-class management improvement action, accelerate the cultivation of a group of leading enterprises that play a leading role in international resource allocation, lead the development of global industry technology, have a voice and influence in global industrial development, and ensure high-quality promotion of the "the Belt and Road" Maintain the strategic initiative of international competition. State owned enterprises should play a "stabilizer" role in China's response to risk challenges, adhere to the bottom line thinking, resolutely prevent and resolve all kinds of production and operation risks, continue to strengthen risk control in key areas such as debt, investment and finance, firmly hold the bottom line against major production safety accidents and major environmental protection events, and effectively enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence and risk resistance of the state-owned economy.

State owned enterprises must be pioneers on the new road of Chinese path to modernization. We have adhered to and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and created a new path of Chinese path to modernization. The modernization we want to achieve is the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all people, the modernization of coordinated material and spiritual civilization, the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and the modernization of taking the path of peaceful development. State owned enterprises should better support the development of China's modern industrial system, actively build a source of original technology and a long modern industrial chain, improve the modernization level of the industrial chain supply chain, develop strategic emerging industries, strengthen and optimize the real economy, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. State owned enterprises should better promote the transformation of China's development mode, resolutely become model practitioners of the new development concept, help promote China's ecological civilization construction, and take the lead in taking action and being a good example in achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutral. State owned enterprises should better promote the coordinated development of China's material civilization and spiritual civilization, vigorously promote the advanced spirit of state-owned enterprises represented by the spirit of "two bombs and one star", the spirit of Daqing, the spirit of iron man, the spirit of "two roads", the spirit of manned space flight, the spirit of Qinghai Tibet Railway, the spirit of lunar exploration, the spirit of the new era Beidou, vigorously advocate entrepreneurship, and vigorously inherit the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship, We will better stimulate the spirit of forging ahead in a new journey and a new era.

State owned enterprises must be good at making progress in adhering to the people centered development idea and promoting common prosperity. State owned assets are the precious wealth of all people and an important force to protect the common interests of the people. State owned enterprises must take the realization, maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the starting point and end result of development, and play a better role in solving the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development. State owned enterprises should create wealth with higher quality and efficiency, accelerate the adjustment of the layout and structure of the state-owned economy, continue to promote strategic restructuring and professional integration, promote the concentration of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas, and focus on forward-looking strategic emerging industries, improve the overall efficiency of state-owned capital allocation, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of economic development. State owned enterprises should participate in the distribution of wealth more equitably and scientifically, adhere to the principle of distribution according to work and coexistence of multiple distribution methods, improve the salary income distribution mechanism of state-owned enterprises, further improve the system and mechanism that the achievements of enterprise reform and development are shared by the whole people, better drive the common development of private enterprises, and promote the narrowing of regional, urban and rural, and income gaps. State owned enterprises should be more active and effective in meeting the people's needs for a better life, actively promote the sharing of public infrastructure and public goods and services, constantly improve the quality of products and services, effectively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and better serve the overall development of people and social progress.

Strengthen theoretical research and accelerate the construction of the theoretical system of state-owned economy

  We should continue to deepen the theoretical research on the fundamental position of state-owned enterprises, and constantly form new achievements in building the theoretical system of state-owned economy.

Adhere to the guidance of scientific theory and firmly grasp the correct direction.     To consolidate the understanding of the important material and political basis of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provide scientific theoretical guidance for the development of the state-owned economy.

Insist on the practice of state-owned enterprises and gather strength to tackle key problems in a coordinated way. Practice is the source of theory. The road of practice is always new and the tree of theory is always green. To meet the needs of liberating and developing the productive forces, state-owned enterprises must continue to deepen reform, accelerate development, and continuously release the dynamic power. They must learn from private enterprises, promote each other, and develop together. They must adapt to the requirements of the development of the situation and strengthen the building of the Party's leading party, and give full play to the important role of the important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new journey. Adhere to the principle of integrating theory with practice. On the one hand, state-owned enterprises should strengthen the summary, turn practical experience into rational knowledge, and constantly deepen the understanding and grasp of the law of state-owned economic development. On the other hand, they should connect the business community and the academic community, integrate strength, gather advantages, and focus on solving major problems that need to be solved for the progress of the times and the development of practice.

Insist on taking me as the main factor, and actively learn from all beneficial achievements.   We should strengthen our cultural confidence, adhere to the principle of eliminating the crude and extracting the essence, eliminating the false and retaining the true, fully absorb and learn from modern economic theories, modern enterprise management theories and other scientific and beneficial elements, draw wisdom from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and constantly open up new horizons in the study of state-owned economic theories.


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